Spectacular French Crepes Recipe ...

This delicious French crepes recipe will melt in your mouth and is simple to make. A must-make classic!

Sweet, Buttery Apples Normand!

Crêpes à la Normande… Sweet buttery apples flambéed with calvados… a real delight!

You Need:

8 crepes (click here for batter instructions)
4 Apples (peeled and cut into slices or cubes)
2 Cinnamon Sticks or Powder(optional)
1-2 tsp. Sugar (optional)2 tbsp. Butter
3/4 cup Calvados (or rum)
Vanilla Ice Cream (optional)

Sauté apples in butter with cinnamon over a medium-high flame. Once cooked, add sugar if you want, and take off heat. Spread crepes onto individual plates. Cover one half of each crepe with apples. Fold over the empty crepe halves. Warm up calvados, lightly cover crepe tops and flambé. Add a scoop of ice cream, if you want, and serve right away! Voilà!

To look at some more delicious crepe filling recipes, click here.

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Enjoy this sumptuous French dessert! And… Bon Appétit!