Yummy Crepe Recipe ...

A must-make chocolate crepe recipe that all will rave about ... plus many others with fruits, spices and that special French touch!

Divine Chocolate Banana Coconut Extravaganza!

Crêpes choco-banane-coco… Melted hot chocolate with bananas and sprinkled with coconut... an extraordinary experience!!!

You Need:

8 crepes ( click here. for batter instructions)
8 oz. Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate (or your favorite high quality dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content)
1 cup Crème Fraîche (or heavy cream)
3-4 Bananas
1/3 cup Shredded Coconut
Chocolate or Vanilla Ice-Cream (optional)

Break chocolate into small pieces. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and then add cream, stir well, and remove from heat. Place Crepes on individual plates. Line one half of each crepe with chocolate, and then banana slices. Then fold empty half over. Pour more chocolate on top and sprinkle with coconut. If you want, add a scoop of ice cream. Serve right away. Voilà!

To look at some more delicious French crepe ideas, click here.

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Enjoy this other worldly recipe! And… Bon Appétit!