Easy Pumpkin Bread Recipe!

This easy pumpkin bread recipe will please all! It's absolutely delicious! You'll also find lots of variations: nuts, bananas, cranberries, raisins… Enjoy!

As always, FamousFrenchDesserts.com is proud to be your personal and authentic guide to French desserts and breads!

Easy Pumpkin Bread Recipe:

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 1 hour

Ingredients: (makes 2 loaves)

16 oz. Pumpkin Purée
3.5 cups Flour
2 cups White Sugar
3/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 cup Vegetable Oil
4 eggs
1.5 tsp. Salt
2 tsp. Baking Soda
1.5 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1 pinch Ground Nutmeg
Butter for baking dishes

How to make it:

Preheat oven to 350°F
1. In a large bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda, spices, and sugar. Mix with a wooden spoon or with your hands until even.
2. In another bowl, stir together the pumpkin purée and the oil until homogenous. Then, beat in eggs, one at a time, making sure that the mixture is homogenous.
3. Make a "well" in the center of the flour. Pour the pumpkin mixture into the well. Using your hands combine all the ingredients until smooth and even.
4. Butter two loaf pans (or another kind of baking dish if you don't have loaf pans). Pour batter into pan and bake for about 1 hour. Test to see if done by inserting a knife into the center. If knife comes out clean, you're done! If not, bake another 5 minutes. Let cool off a little before taking out of pan (you can flip it over). Serve warm or room temperature.


You can make a variety of wonderful pumpkin breads using the easy pumpkin bread recipe above as a base.

To make Pumpkin Nut Bread just add 1 cup of chopped walnuts.
To make Pumpkin Raisin Bread add 1 cup raisins.
For Pumpkin Cranberry Bread add 1 cup cranberries or 1 cup dried cranberries.
For Banana Pumpkin Bread add 1 cup sliced bananas.

Of course you can add more than one ingredient at a time, ie. Walnut Banana Pumpkin Bread!

Serving Ideas:

Certainly, you can eat this pumpkin bread as is. But, if you would like a couple of ideas… Toasted pumpkin bread tastes really amazing with cream cheese spread on top (or crème fraîche!). Of course, butter melting on top of warm pumpkin bread is always delicious as well! No matter how you serve it, this easy pumpkin bread recipe is guaranteed to make everyone smile, most of all, you!

Fabulous French Dessert Recipes…

If you are looking for some ideas for delicious French dessert recipes, we have got all your favorites and more! Crème brûlée, chocolate mousse, tarte tatin, chocolate éclairs, lemon meringue pie, truffles, fondue, flans, crêpes… and many more! To see our recipe index, click here.

To take a look at some other delicious bread recipes, click here.

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As always, FamousFrenchDesserts.com is proud to be your personal and authentic guide to French desserts and breads! To learn more about FamousFrenchDesserts.com, click here.

Enjoy this delicious and easy pumpkin bread recipe! And… Bon Appétit!